Pastry that is pure in taste, inclusive and free from guilt
Be Better Lab
• 1500 g Flour type W390
• 230 g Soft flour protein 8.5-9.5%
• 70 g Sugar
• 18 g Salt
• 30 g Fresh yeast
• 280 g Cold water
• 60 g Be Better plant-butter block
• 35 g Cold water
• 350 g Be Better plant-butter plate
1. Knead all ingredients without the 32 g of water in the kneader
for 5 min, followed by 10 min on 5th speed.
2. Pour the 32 slowly by parts until it’s fully integrated.
3. Roll out at 45 x 30 cm and place it in the freezer overnight.
4. Roll out the Be Better plant-butter plate at 22cm x 30cm.
5. Place the Be Better plant-butter plate on 2/3 of the dough
and close.
6. Roll out at 7 mm and give it one more simple fold (with 30 cm)
rest min for 2 h.
7. Roll out at 7 mm and give it one more simple fold (with 30 cm).
8. Roll out at 5 mm and let it rest 45 min, cut the triangles 9 x 26cm.